- Feeding on grain and seeds. 食谷和种子的
- The rising demand for meat exacerbates the pressures on grain and oilseed prices because several kilograms of animal feed are required to produce each kilogram of meat. 对肉类需求增加,会使得谷物与油籽的价格上扬,因为每生产一公斤肉类就需要数公斤的饲料。
- The cows were feeding on hay in the barn. 母牛正在牲口棚里吃乾草呢。
- Some fruits and seeds have hulls. 有些水果和种子有外壳。
- Emus are opportunistically nomadic and follow rain, feeding on grains, flowers, fruit, soft shoots, insects, grubs, and whatever else is available. 鸸鹋是一种逐水草而栖息的雀鸟,是鸟类中的机会主义者。牠们爱追随雨水,日常的食物有榖类、花朵、果实、嫩芽、昆虫、幼虫或任何可食用的东西。
- These areas consume not only more staples such as rice and wheat but also more meat from animals fed on grain. 这些地区消耗了更多大米、小麦类食物,还包括靠谷物饲养的动物的肉类。
- Farmers grow grain and keep cattle. 农民种谷养牛。
- Farmers infield and seed on spring. 农民在春天犁地播种。
- Feeding on plants; plant-eating. 食草的以食草为生的; 食植物的
- grain and seed cleaner-separator 谷物和种子清选分离机
- They have prehensile lips for feeding on leaves and saplings. 它们都具有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可用于取食树叶和树苗。
- The Mandarin duck is an omnivore that feeds on algae, watercress, central Formosan toad, Sauteris frog, and seeds of the Polygonacear family and Fagaceae family. 鸳鸯为杂食性,食物种类众多,包括藻类、豆瓣菜、盘古蟾蜍、梭德氏赤蛙、蓼科、壳斗科果实等。
- A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl. 麦麸由谷糠和营养物质调成的混合物,用以饲养牲畜和家禽
- The habit of feeding on many different kinds of food. 杂食性以多种不同食物为食的习性
- The Chinese government will continue to conduct education on treasuring and economizing on grain and formulate corresponding policies to promote the formation of a new social tendency that stresses thrift in grain and opposes waste and extravagance. 中国政府将继续开展爱粮节粮宣传教育,并制定相应政策,促进在全社会形成“爱惜粮食光荣、浪费粮食可耻”的良好风尚。倡导文明、适度、节俭的消费方式,反对讲排场、摆阔气和铺张浪费.
- Many species are tree dwelling, feeding on fruit and /or fruit and/or seeds. 许多物种是居住在树上的,以吃果实和/或种子为生。
- Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables. 他们的饮食主要是谷类和蔬菜。
- The act or practice of feeding on dead bodies or carrion. 吃尸吃尸体或尸体腐肉的行为或实践
- However, at high temperature, when the matrix is in the state of low saturation(near solvus), precipitations in grain and on grain boundary are controlled by driving force(thermodynamics). 然而,高温时,当基体出于低饱和状态时(接近固溶相线),颗粒中和晶界的沉淀由热力学控制。
- The mice gnawed a hole on the wood and ate the rice and seed. 老鼠在木头上啃了一个洞,吃掉米和种子。